- 五款旅行香水套装,富含有机天然的舒缓成分
- 五件装
- I Am Verdant 象征着蜕变和启迪;含意大利佛手柑、仙客来、乳香、鸢尾花、橙花香调
- Witchy Woo 代表勇气和创意;含荆棘玫瑰、肉豆蔻、肉桂、黑胡椒、广藿香、乳香、愈伤花、麝香香调
- Free 00 象征解放和性感;含西西里柠檬、柑橘、橙花、埃及茉莉、香草、檀香、睡莲香调
- Georgette 象征自爱;含土耳其玫瑰油、紫罗兰叶、檀香、广藿香、愈创木、粉红胡椒、黑烟草香调
- Magnetic 70 象征魅力和保护;含香根草、雪松木、乳香、当归籽、鸢尾花、杜松木、榄香脂香调
We offer Standard and Express Shipping, depending on your location.
All orders are shipped worldwide via our affiliate couriers.
As soon as we have shipped your order you will receive an email stating the tracking number. You can check the status of your order one to two hours after receiving the email via the link provided.
Please note that during the sales period, there might be some delays in delivering your order. Contact our Customer Care for any questions or if you require assistance.
Click here for more information on shipping and delivery.
All purchased items can be returned free of charge – including reduced items.
We are happy to refund any purchases* within 30 business days from receipt. All returns must be sent via registered mail in their original condition.
*Excludes underwear, fragrance and cosmetic items which are non-returnable.
Contact our Customer Care for any questions or if you require assistance.
Click here for more information on our return policy.
- 五款旅行香水套装,富含有机天然的舒缓成分
- 五件装
- I Am Verdant 象征着蜕变和启迪;含意大利佛手柑、仙客来、乳香、鸢尾花、橙花香调
- Witchy Woo 代表勇气和创意;含荆棘玫瑰、肉豆蔻、肉桂、黑胡椒、广藿香、乳香、愈伤花、麝香香调
- Free 00 象征解放和性感;含西西里柠檬、柑橘、橙花、埃及茉莉、香草、檀香、睡莲香调
- Georgette 象征自爱;含土耳其玫瑰油、紫罗兰叶、檀香、广藿香、愈创木、粉红胡椒、黑烟草香调
- Magnetic 70 象征魅力和保护;含香根草、雪松木、乳香、当归籽、鸢尾花、杜松木、榄香脂香调
We offer Standard and Express Shipping, depending on your location.
All orders are shipped worldwide via our affiliate couriers.
As soon as we have shipped your order you will receive an email stating the tracking number. You can check the status of your order one to two hours after receiving the email via the link provided.
Please note that during the sales period, there might be some delays in delivering your order. Contact our Customer Care for any questions or if you require assistance.
Click here for more information on shipping and delivery.
All purchased items can be returned free of charge – including reduced items.
We are happy to refund any purchases* within 30 business days from receipt. All returns must be sent via registered mail in their original condition.
*Excludes underwear, fragrance and cosmetic items which are non-returnable.
Contact our Customer Care for any questions or if you require assistance.
Click here for more information on our return policy.